Criminal Justice Reform Caucus

Criminal Justice Reform Caucus

Criminal Justice Reform Caucus

Wednesday, December 8, 2021 | 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Opening Remarks by Caucus Chairs

  • Representatives Sheryl Delozier & Jordan Harris
  • Senators Camera Bartolotta & Art Haywood

Presentation on Modernizing Pennsylvania’s Clean Slate Law

  • Overview of Felony Sealing around the Country
    • Presented by Jenna Bottler, Deputy Director, Justice Action Network
  • Overview of Non-Violent Drug Felony Sealing Proposal
    • Katie Svoboda-Kindle, Senior Staff Attorney, Community Legal Services
    • Sharon Dietrich, Litigation Director, Community Legal Services
  • Why Change Makes Sense to the Business Community
    • Jennifer Beer, Greater Pittsburgh Chamber of Commerce
  • Personal Story Shared by Impacted Individual
    • Donna Gathright, Lebanon County

Open Discussion

Closing Remarks by Caucus Chairs

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