Criminal Justice Reform Caucus

Public Health in Pennsylvania State Prisons

Criminal Justice Reform Caucus

Thursday, May 12, 2022 | 1:00 p.m. – 2 p.m.

There are more than 60,000 people in Pennsylvania prisons and jails, and most of them will return to our communities someday. Medical and mental health care in our prisons is a public health and public safety issue. Hear from impacted families and subject matter experts about needed reforms to Pennsylvania’s prison medical and mental health systems, including medical and geriatric parole, ending the medical copay, and improving access to medical and mental health care inside – so we’re safer outside.

Opening Remarks by Caucus Chairs

  • Senator Camera Bartolotta
  • Representatives Sheryl Delozier & Jordan Harris

Presentation on Public Health in Pennsylvania State Prisons

  • FAMM – Maria Goellner,
  • Pennsylvania Prison Society – Anton Andrew,
  • Impacted Family Member – Mary Buffaloe
  • National Expert on Correctional Health Care – Homer Venters
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